Friday, April 25, 2008

Maafkan kami ! Maafkan kami ! Maaafkaann kamiii !

Akhirnya Ketua Pemuda UMNO yang menghunus keris di Persidangan UMNO tahun lepas mengaku kalah dan meminta maaf kepada parti-parti komponen BN diatas tindakannya itu . Walaupun pada mulanya , anak kepada arwah Tun Hussein Onn tersebut menafikan tindakan beliau merupakan salah satu punca kemerosotan undi BN pada Pilihanraya 2008 tetapi mungkin diatas desakan dalaman UMNO sendiri , beliau mengalah juga .

Persoalan disini adakah dengan meminta maaf setelah hampir dua bulan BN hilang 2/3 majoriti , boleh memulihkan kredibilti BN dimata rakyat ?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Pemergian seorang pejuang rakyat Malaysia yang hingga ke akhir hayatnya masih berjuang . Satu kehilangan besar kepada negara . Seperti senikata dalam lagu arwah Tan Sri P.Ramlee ' Dimana kan ku cari ganti ... Serupa dengan mu ..."

Itulah arwah Pak Rustam Sani.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Suprise for malaysians

The PM's announcement of turning the ACA into MACM sounds to good to be true after the proposal of setting up a Judicial Commission . Better late than never as Malaysia is fast losing it's ground as a credible nation among investors who feels jittery in investing here as they are not exactly confident whether they could get actually justice through the Malaysian courts . Whatever Pak Lah's reason for making two bold announcement in less than a week , we pray that it will not be just rethorics .

Saturday, April 19, 2008

As Nazri Aziz said it ...

Nazri Aziz is a confirmed strong spokesman for Pak Lah . His comments about fellow ministers who called for Pak Lah's resignation as stupid shows the quality of cabinet ministers that was specially hand picked by Pak Lah after the GE of 2008 .

Nazri Aziz , please continue to churn out this type of statements as Samy noValue and Lim Kheng Yaik are no longer in Parliament to entertain us .

Friday, April 18, 2008

Super hero Samy

Samy deValued says that everyone from Dr.MM to Khir Toyo is to be blame for the loss of support from the malaysian Indians which caused MIC to be at the brink of extinction after the recent GE . In fact , Samy says he might seek help from other countries if the government ( read here as UMNO ) continues to marginalised Indians .

Dei Aya ! enna payserengal ? I stand corrected , didn't the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and Indian leaders in India had snubbed him when HINDRAF raised the plight of the Malaysian Indians .

This aging MIC leader is now singing a different tune saying that he will defend the indians using all his resources . Who is he kidding ? Chitt podah aya !

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Justice at last or ...

Pak Lah will be joining Bar Council members , opposition party members , Tun Salleh dan his brother judges for a nice day in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday night . The new Law Minister has said that the PM will be making drastic changes in respect of the Judiciary in the wake of the disastrous result of the recently GE which costs the Federal Government to lose it's precious 1/3 majority in Parliament.

Let's hope that the dinner will not be just a 10 course chinese dinner but a dinner that will put back the judiciary on it's former glory and independence.